Wednesday, November 22, 2006


We were going to get a Wii when it came out.
Saturday, Thomas came over and hung out and we all went out to dinner. Seeing how long the line was at Target for the Nintendo Wii we decided to hurry back to our place and camp out for the evening. Oh, lack of sleep. It was fun chatting with line people and lacking sleep and being uncomfortable. At 6:30 my uncle Mike showed up and we injected him into the line with us ahead of the other people. By 7:45 when they handed out tickets the 4 of us secured 4 Wii tix. Thomas didn't actually want one so he said "the last shall be first" and gave his to the last person in line. Amy said "must find the kids who are actually sad because the line is so long that they won't get one" and she gave hers to two kids who have been saving up their allowance for months.

Doors opened and excitement built. I schemed and saved us the most money with discounts and offers and saved $100 off my ~$800 bill for 2 Wii's, 2 Legend of Zelda game, 1 Rampage game and two extra wii-motes.

We were so tired we didn't even play till that night. And man it is fun. All we have played so far is Wii Sports, we haven't even opened anything else up yet it is so fun. Both Amy and I are into it and the best game is bowling. I swear all of the games are the most realistic created so far but bowling takes the cake. It emulates real-life bowling so well that I kept ending up with the same score I get in real-life bowling ~150.

In addition Amy decided to make Mii's (little customized avatars) of every member of my family that will (or might) be there at Thanksgiving. Then she made Mii's of every person who might ever show up at our place including our entire homegroup and Jon and Kay's family.

So if anyone wants to come over and play you are welcome to, we've already got a Mii for you and you are ready to rock.


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