Monday, October 30, 2006

1 year Anniversary. T minus 5 days

My anniversary is coming up. (see my pretty kitty below a few posts down).
It is a joyous time. I've made it a year.
There is close to a 50% divorce rate here in the US. I'm not likely as a statistic, to ever get divorced, here is why:


Percent Decrease

in Risk of Divorce
Annual income over $50,000 (vs. under $25,000) -30
Having a baby seven months or more after marriage (vs. before marriage) -24
Marrying over 25 years of age (vs. under 18) -24
Own family of origin intact (vs. divorced parents) -14
Religious affiliation (vs. none) -14
Some college (vs. high-school dropout) -13

So doing the math (given I meet all of those), assuming there is a 100% chance of divorce for the average individual it comes out to 100% * .70 * .76 * .76 * .86 * .86 * .87 = 26.02%. If there starting number is less than 100% I'm even better off.

Not that I'd even ever consider it.
My wife is awesome. She's recently become even awesomer and as our second year together is beginning I am expectant of a very promising future.

We are working toward better communication (just finished a class) and making one another feel loved (we are both reading the five love languages)

I estimate that within five years we will become the zenith of married couples. We will eventually have our 2.5 children and we will love them.

Heres looking towards the future.

Bats! And ME! I would have painted my nails if I didn't have to work.

My a very own a the cheat. He was on the other side of my trogdor pumpkin. Sadly he got a the mold and collapsed.

My trogdor pumpkin! He burninated the pumpkin so its already in the trash.

Halloween festivities have arrived. The makeup makes me break out. My wife is a pretty kitty.