Saturday, September 03, 2005

Love, what is it? A solid or a liquid?

I wrote this back in early 2000, I'll let you guess what was on my mind then. Actually I'm not even sure what this says since I just copied and pasted this from what I wrote back then but I'm sure it all makes sense. Oh yeah, also check out the song Love's Not by Mars Ill.

Love -what I now know
I've learned a lot about love, especially in the last few months because of various relational issues, most of what I thought before was wrong! But now I know the truth.
Love is not really a feeling. Love is always the same, person to person, always.
What is "love"? Well first I will tell you what love isn't.
Love is not affection nor attraction. Affection is a special feeling between two people, nobody has real affection for everybody and nobody wants to. Love isn't affection, people should love everybody else. It probably wouldn't be a good idea if you had affection for everyone. Too much immorality and debauchery would occur. So love obviously isn't affection.
Love is also not lust!!! Lust is completely different. Lust is desire, a desire that shouldn't be there. Nobody should desire for what they don't have but rather cherish what they do. There is no desire in true love but for more love! Lust is immoral and wrong, and calling lust love is one of the most common on purpose mistakes people have. I know, I've lusted before and called it love. Don't mistake lust for love!!!
Love is nothing like anyone portrays on TV or any other popular media. Love is only one thing, just one thing. And no, I'm not the one who thought of this myself, but love is this: Valueing someone as God values them. How does this work? Well, how does God value you? God values you as an important and vital part of His creation. He did not create you as something worthless, but rather as valueable as anything the world could offer and then some. A life is more valueable than anything and when you realize this, you must realize how God wants you to treat each and every person. Now you can love, but how do you maintain it?
Love is patient and not easily angered. No matter how much someone annoys you or how much you want them to change, patience is key. Impatience is a bad trait, the patient are fruitful and at peace because they do not worry themselves with hurrying. By having patience, your love will abound and people will come to you for help, your connections will grow and all will be well.
Love is kind and not rude. Whenever someone makes a rude remark or forgets to call you, what is your response? Being kind is oh so valuable. When you are kind to others they tend to reciprocate and show kindness back on you. Think, if the whole world were kind there would be no war, hate, anger or malice. Everyone wins when you are kind, so show kindness to all.
Love does not envy. When you envy someone you want what they have, envy leads to jealousy, jealousy leads to anger, and anger leads to hate. You must be content with what you have, and appreciate your life. When people see the contentness you have they will envy you!
Love does not boast. You can't be proud of the love you have, because the love you have will NEVER compare to the infinite love of God.
Love is not self-seeking. Nobody should seek personal gain from love! Personal gain may occur in the process of loving though. When one seeks personal gain through loving they are nothing but a greedy person, and greed is not good!
Love keeps no record of wrongs. In true love, if you forgive someone it is not that you will forget what they have done, but rather that you will not bring it up again. I am guilty of keeping a record of wrongs, I find it hard to truly forgive the people I want to love. But I am working on it and I am making progress. I encourage you to think deeply about forgiveness. Are you really going to make it better by holding a grudge or seeking revenge? No, everyone is happier and more loved when wrongs are not brought up unneccesarily.
Love rejoices with the truth, not evil. Lieing is never ever right. Deception is usually pointless and wrong. Why do you need to lurk in the shadows with your lies and deceit. Tell the truth, everyone will feel more loved that way.
As always, love protects. No it doesn't harm others that isn't loving! It protects others from any harm!
Love always trusts. Love always assumes innocent until proven guilty. Jumping to conclusions never helped anyone. Trust in people until they absolutely give you a reason to not believe. Its amazing what trust can do! Try it!
Love always hopes. Hope is always there, so use it. Always hope for the best for everyone, hope and pray for improvement. Without hope there is dispair and thats no good. So hope for good things.
Love always perseveres and NEVER fails. Perseverance goes hand in hand with patientce. Stick with people and love them and goodness abounds! Love can never fail, its a solution to badness because love is good. Even when someone stabs you in the back, true love perseveres and keeps going. Don't ever give up on love!


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