One of those stupid polls I filled out... back in 1998!
1)Full name: ----- ----- ----- like I'm giving you that
2)Location: Pacific Grove, CA Not now I'm not!
3)Birthdate: May 22 Still true!
4)School: Monterey Academy of Oceanographic Science I've graduated! College!
5)Grade: Senior Lies
6)Height: 5' 11" thankfully (It's all the coffee I drink that keeps me at this height) 6'1" now
7)Single or Taken: ----- Removed somebodies name, am single
8)Hair: Right now it is my natural dirty blonde underneath with bleached blonde on the tips I wish!
9)Eye color: Hazel Yup
Where's #10?
11)toothbrush color: Black Why isn't my toothbrush black now?
12)toothpaste color: White True
13)Siblings(ages and names): Andrew(13) Bit older now...
14)Pets: 1 unnamed fish, a bird I call "Bird", and two cats called C.B. and Zelda ALL DEAD
15)favorite color: Blue Mmmm
16)favorite TV show: X-Files or the Simpsons Yup
17)favorite drink: Coca-Cola Classic With Vanilla!
18)favorite fast food: Arby's! No! In 'n Out
19)favorite food: Chinese Thai!
20)favorite number: 21 ?
21)favorite letter: X ?
22)favorite day of the week: Sunday Yuppers
23)favorite time of day: Whenever I'm talking to or am with my friends Guess so
24)favorite subject: Photography 2 Huh?
25)How many blankets do you use: 1 comforter Yup
26)How many pillows do you use: 1 True
27)First thing you notice about the opposite sex: Personality! This is boring I give up!
28)favorite sport: Hockey
29)favorite sport to watch: BLAH
Where's #30?
31)favorite candy: Butterfinger
32)favorite gum: Anything that doesn't stick to my retainer
33)favorite fruit: Blueberries
34)favorite veggie: Broccoli
35)favorite football team: 49ers
36)favorite baseball team: Baseball Sucks
37)favorite basketball team: Bulls
38)favorite sports star: Wayne Gretzky
39)Role model: Utter Goodness
40)best friends: Too many to list!
41)favorite saying: Gravy
42)favorite song: "Zero" by the best band of all time the Smashing Pumpkins!