Wednesday, August 31, 2005

One of those stupid polls I filled out... back in 1998!

I filled this out in 1998, how many of these are still true? My modern responses are bolded.
1)Full name: ----- ----- ----- like I'm giving you that
2)Location: Pacific Grove, CA Not now I'm not!
3)Birthdate: May 22 Still true!
4)School: Monterey Academy of Oceanographic Science I've graduated! College!
5)Grade: Senior Lies
6)Height: 5' 11" thankfully (It's all the coffee I drink that keeps me at this height) 6'1" now
7)Single or Taken: ----- Removed somebodies name, am single
8)Hair: Right now it is my natural dirty blonde underneath with bleached blonde on the tips I wish!
9)Eye color: Hazel Yup
Where's #10?
11)toothbrush color: Black Why isn't my toothbrush black now?
12)toothpaste color: White True
13)Siblings(ages and names): Andrew(13) Bit older now...
14)Pets: 1 unnamed fish, a bird I call "Bird", and two cats called C.B. and Zelda ALL DEAD
15)favorite color: Blue Mmmm
16)favorite TV show: X-Files or the Simpsons Yup
17)favorite drink: Coca-Cola Classic With Vanilla!
18)favorite fast food: Arby's! No! In 'n Out
19)favorite food: Chinese Thai!
20)favorite number: 21 ?
21)favorite letter: X ?
22)favorite day of the week: Sunday Yuppers
23)favorite time of day: Whenever I'm talking to or am with my friends Guess so
24)favorite subject: Photography 2 Huh?
25)How many blankets do you use: 1 comforter Yup
26)How many pillows do you use: 1 True
27)First thing you notice about the opposite sex: Personality! This is boring I give up!
28)favorite sport: Hockey
29)favorite sport to watch: BLAH
Where's #30?
31)favorite candy: Butterfinger
32)favorite gum: Anything that doesn't stick to my retainer
33)favorite fruit: Blueberries
34)favorite veggie: Broccoli
35)favorite football team: 49ers
36)favorite baseball team: Baseball Sucks
37)favorite basketball team: Bulls
38)favorite sports star: Wayne Gretzky
39)Role model: Utter Goodness
40)best friends: Too many to list!
41)favorite saying: Gravy
42)favorite song: "Zero" by the best band of all time the Smashing Pumpkins!

Monday, August 22, 2005


Apparantly the new rage is Pastafarianism, or worship of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He is some peoples answer to Intelligent Design arguments. I'm not sure the FSM is for me though. I think I'll stick to Christianity even though one of the tenets of Pastafarianism is becoming a pirate to combat global warming. But for my fellow Christians out there: Can you prove (scientifically, of course) that Jesus isn't the son of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? I'll give you a cut of my reward.

Check out the 45's I got this weekend, Duran Duran, David Bowie, Pet Shop Boys, Donna Summer, Prince and more. Now I just need to repair my turntable and I'll actually be able to play records again.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Today I say: To Hell With Poverty (Gang of Four ref)
Yesterday I grossed $212 selling my video game junk at CGE. Of course I bought a bunch of stuff plus admission so the net is down a bit. Then I went out that night and wham net gain $0.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Mmmm... coffee

FWWTRN and WOFWWTRN on Monday got me an awesome coffee maker as a gift:

I'm so excited. It grinds and brews! I'm going to use it as my alarm clock every morning, I can't possibly sleep through coffee grinding AND brewing. I'm going to set it up tomorrow. I need to go and get some beans from my local baristas at Barefoot coffe roasters.

I'm going to set it up tomorrow so it will be ready for Saturday when I go to the Classic Gaming Expo. Oh, Sweet!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Fast + Food = Nothing

Today I was supposed to be fasting....
However, I found out when I got to work that I was signed up for a study in which I was hooked up with a bunch of wires during which time I was supposed to eat lunch. And this was the only day they could have me do it. Eating won. Fasting lost.
I achieved nothing today.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Internet Archive rocks!

I just discovered the most amazing thing. Among the plentitude the Internet Archive offer. They are now offering old public domain movies from the 1920's to the 1960's. There are so many to check out, all free! You can see the movies too.
All the old Bela Lugosi classics are there along with old horror flicks, b-rate space movies and silent comedies. Sweet!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Post-Boardwalk Insomnia

I just got back from the Boardwalk and let me tell you, every line is significantly (4x) shorter than a similar ride at Great America. Only 30 minutes wait for the Double Shot which is way cooler than the 2 hour wait for the Drop Zone. I had a dime on each knee on the way down and they hovered off towards the beach as I freefalled down. Oh and 65 cent candy really isn't worth it, they give you way too much. They really should pay you to take it from them. Now 65 cent funnel cakes would have been an excellent deal, too bad they don't do that.

I've determined my insomnia isn't due to caffeine consumption since I didn't have any Monday and I was up late. It has to either be due to all the stress at work or me being nocturnal.
Well and its not actualy insomnia since I'm not really tired. The only reason I want to sleep is in the hope I can get up in the morning without a fight.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Today I went to the Aloha festival and experienced some hawaiian food. Pulled pork and huli-huli chicken (I'm calling it hula hoop chicken). The food was ok. There was also a ton of art/crafts but I didn't get any since I can't possibly need any trinkets. I did however buy some hawaiian coconut desert mix stuff that is like jello. Unfortunately, I left it in someones car.

On a somewhat seperate note:
Hawaii culturally seems ok, but not awesome. I'm too much of an anglophile, bring on the British culture:
Everyone needs to get tickets to this. Modest Mouse, The Killers, Arcade Fire and Mindless Self Indulgence all on the same day. All killer no filler.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Public Access TV isn't all bad...

I wish this was showing on my TV:
I also wish I knew people who wanted to make videos like this.